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Authors: ---
ISBN: 906200315X Year: 1989 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

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666.97 --- beton --- bouwkunde --- cement --- chemische technologie --- materiaalonderzoek --- materialen --- Mortel- en betonindustrie --- concrete --- betontechnologie --- toeslagstof --- aanmaakwater --- hulpstoffen --- samenstelling --- bereidingen --- verwerking --- J.Ritzen en R.Smet --- betonspecie --- Grind --- Gruis --- Kruip --- Plastificeerder --- Scheuren --- Steenslag --- Zand --- bekisting --- grind --- krimp --- kruip --- vocht --- zand --- zeefproef --- toeslagmateriaal --- hulpstof --- betonverwerkbaarheid --- duurzaam beton --- betontemperatuur --- (zie ook: temperatuurontwikkeling beton) --- Beton. --- Building materials. Building technology --- materiaalkennis --- Glass --- #KVIV:BB --- betonstaal --- transport --- bekistingen --- wapening --- water --- betonconstructies --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- betonbouw --- bouw --- verhard beton --- 691.3 --- 691 --- 691.3 ) Beton --- Bekisting --- Cement --- Elasticiteit --- Toeslagmaterialen --- Wapening --- bouwmaterialen --- duurzaamheid --- hardheid --- scheurvorming --- sterkteleer --- temperatuur --- 624.012.4 --- elasticiteit --- 624.012.4 Structures in concrete, in-situ concrete (ordinary concrete), mass concrete --- Structures in concrete, in-situ concrete (ordinary concrete), mass concrete --- 691.3 Artificial stone. Concrete. Various agglomerates --- Artificial stone. Concrete. Various agglomerates --- Beton --- Betonconstructies --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- #BSCH: vak: wetenschappen

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